

考古学分支学科提供了从北美平原到西南和中美洲到中间地区的古代社会的连续地理覆盖. 博彩平台推荐关注的土著社会范围从平等主义的狩猎采集者到中等社会,再到中美洲的城邦和帝国. The faculty’s theoretical and topical interests include human ecology, ethnoarchaeology, agency and social theory, lithic and ceramic analyses, remote sensing, disasters in ancient and modern times, and geophysical applications in archeology. 

Archaeology links with biological anthropology in a number of ways. For instance, 遇到墓葬的考古学家经常求助于生物人类学家来分析他们的身材, 健康, and other topics. 许多考古学家和生物人类学家对人类生态学有着浓厚的兴趣.e. 人们适应环境和影响环境的方式. 考古学在很大程度上也与文化人类学有关, since much archaeological theory is derived from cultural theory. Given the vast diachronic interests of archaeology, 重要的考古理论也独立于民族志而产生. Ethnoarchaeology spans the two subdisciplines, 考古学家研究当代社会的物质文化,学习如何更好地推断过去的行为. 考古学和文化人类学都研究相互接触的民族和政治群体, including topics of migration, acculturation, trade and tribute, 征服, information sharing, elite emulation, and the rise of multiethnic powers.

Every summer, the CU Department of Anthropology conducts an archaeological field school for qualifying undergraduate and graduate students.

Archaeology Faculty

  • Douglas Bamforth – Pre-contact archaeology of the North American Great Plains
  • Gerardo Gutiérrez – Mesoamerican Archaeology and Ethnohistory
  • Sarah Jackson -社会科学系主任-中美洲,特别是古典玛雅文化
  • Eric Jones - Settlement ecology, landscapes and built environments, socioeconomic interactions, and demographic archaeology
  • Arthur Joyce – Origins and development of complex societies of Mesoamerica
  • Sarah Kurnick -玛雅考古学,社区考古学,社会不平等和政治权威
  • Scott Ortman – Historical Anthropology of the North American Southwest
  • William Taylor -人与环境的相互作用、考古学和动物驯化

Professor Hosek at holding a cross at the Nuns of Loretto site

科罗拉多大学的生物人类学教职员工的兴趣和研究优势跨越了分支学科的界限,并促进了与其他学科和分支学科的教职员工和研究生的合作. We share an interest in human ecology, 人类学的一个广泛的综合领域,关注文化的相互作用, biology and the environment. We also share an interest in the processes of globalization, which are rapidly changing many aspects of the modern world. As biological anthropologists, 博彩平台推荐可以很好地分析全球化对生物学和行为之间相互作用的影响, 并分析人类和灵长类动物对不断变化的环境和不断减少的生物多样性的适应. 

该系提供生态学几个不同方面的培训:普通生态学, early hominin paleoecology, nutritional, community, and evolutionary ecology. Our research foci also include anthropogenic and climatic effects on primate behavior and biology; conservation biology; primate evolution; feeding biology of humans and non-human primates; biogeochemical techniques for studying the diets and habitats of modern and fossil fauna; life history; endocrinology; growth and development; and maternal and infant 健康.

博彩平台推荐开展研究,并在广泛的国际站点提供培训和研究机会, including: Bezà Mahafaly, Madagascar; Lajuma Research Centre and the Mokopane Conservation Centre, South Africa; The Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site, South Africa; 博物馆 in South Africa, 肯尼亚, and Ethiopia; Kibale National Park, Uganda; Keneba, The Gambia; Cali, Colombia; Ta Kou Nature Reserve, Kien Luong Karst area, and Khau Ca Forest area, 越南. 博彩平台推荐的实验室提供分析能力和广泛的方法培训, from measurement of human energy expenditure, to immunoassay and mid-infrared spectroscopy, to plant nutritional analysis. Our field sites offer training and research on primate 健康, community ecology, plant-animal interactions, forest ecology, nutritional ecology, conservation biology, dental ecology, and paleoecology.

Please note that we do not train students specifically in forensics.

More information on our graduate program

Biological Faculty

  • Robin Bernstein – Growth and development; endocrinology; maternal-infant physiology; life history evolution; lactation biology and breastfeeding
  • Sharon DeWitte - Bioarchaeology, paleoepidemiology, and paleodemography
  • Lauren Hosek - Skeletal plasticity and the life course, paleopathology, materiality, religion and the body, and mortuary archaeology
  • Steven Leigh -人类和灵长类动物进化,遗传学,解剖学,考古学和社会文化人类学
  • Jonathan O'Brien - Feeding and sensory ecology of Southeast Asian colobines
  • Michelle Sauther – Primate biology and ecology. Primate evolutionary biology, growth and development, life history, bio-behavioral responses to anthropogenic change
  • Matt Sponheimer – Ecology of early human ancestors in Africa
  • Fernando Villanea - Neanderthal and Denisovan ancestry in American populations

在文化人类学教师的主题兴趣是性别和性, culture and power, modernity and consumption, kinship and relatedness, 旅游 and popular culture, medical anthropology, science and technology studies, human and political ecology, pastoralism, conservation and sustainability, 博物馆, 符号学, concepts of “care,” nationalism and ethnic identity, racial constructs, post-colonialism, refugees and citizenship, and history and memory. 该司的区域专门知识领域包括拉丁美洲和加勒比, Native America, 东亚, South Asia, Southeast Asia, 西藏, East Africa, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, and Papua New Guinea, as well as their respective diasporas around the world.


In addition, the cultural anthropology faculty share an interest in globalization, 运用民族志的技巧来理解鼓励全球同质化和地方分裂的同时期但相互抵消的力量.  Processes related to globalization studied by cultural anthropologists and graduate students include the increasingly planetary integration of the economy; the spread of human insecurity with the proliferation of ethnic and 宗教 conflict, 暴力, 犯罪, 疾病, and financial volatility; the global depletion and degradation of environmental resources; the impact of 旅游 and large-scale development projects; the internationalization of environmental, 女权主义, 宗教, and human rights movements; the response to democratic structures; the rise of “world cities;” the spread of new information and communication technologies; and the increasingly global flows of popular media, advertising and consumer goods.  文化人类学教授对全球化进程的兴趣, human ecology, 应用人类学也与考古学和生物人类学的专业领域交叉.

Cultural Faculty

  • Alison Cool-医学人类学和科学与技术人类学;
  • Kathryn Goldfarb -亲属关系和亲缘关系、心理健康和神经科学、儿童福利,日本;
  • 多娜米. Goldstein -医学人类学、政治经济学、科学人类学,拉丁美洲;
  • Kira Hall – Linguistic Anthropology. Department of Linguistics;
  • Christian Hammons – Ethnographic film, politics of indigenous religion, 交换, 旅游, development, and globalization in Southeast Asia
  • Jerry Jacka – Political ecology, resource development, Papua New Guinea
  • Carla Jones  Globalization, subjectivity & governmentality, critical gender theory of Indonesia
  • Carole McGranahan  在西藏和喜马拉雅山的地方,全球,历史背景下的权力问题
  • Jen Shannon -科罗拉多大学自然历史博物馆文化人类学馆长