发表: 2024年6月22日

Iris Serrano著

传媒学院, Communication 和 Information at the University of Colorado Boulder has named five exceptional journalists to its 2024-25 class of Ted Scripps Fellows in Environmental Journalism.  

“This year’s terrific incoming class of Ted Scripps Fellows hails from around the country 和 works across multiple platforms, including photography, 播客, 纪录片, long-form narrative 和 daily news,希拉里·罗斯纳说, assistant director of the Center for Environmental Journalism—which oversees the Scripps Fellows program—和 a teaching assistant professor at CMCI. ”在一起, they bring decades of experience 和 expertise to CU Boulder, where they will learn from university researchers 和 share their knowledge with the community.”

成立于1993年, the Ted Scripps Fellowship has been based at the University of Colorado Boulder since 1997. 这个项目, which is supported by a grant from the Scripps Howard Fund, aims to give full-time journalists working in any medium the knowledge 和 tools to report on today’s pressing environmental issues in ways that resonate with diverse audiences. Over a nine-month period, fellows attend classes at the University of Colorado Boulder, participate in weekly seminars 和 field trips, 和 pursue their own journalistic projects on a wide range of environmental topics.

Headshots of the new class of fellows, arranged alphabetically.

The incoming class includes:

Steven Bedard, co-founder 和 editor, 传记的. Bedard has spent the last 25 years writing 和 producing science stories on everything from archaeology to evolution. During the fellowship, he will explore how species are responding to global change, looking at the intersection between systems-scale events 和 the individual organisms’ biology.

Taylor Dolven, reporter, 波士顿环球报. Dolven focuses on how transportation intersects with climate change 和 economic inequality. Previously, as a reporter at the 迈阿密先驱报, she exposed how cruise companies kept workers at sea without pay during the p和emic. 作为一个伙伴, Dolven will research how Americans’ reliance on cars 和 the transition to electric vehicles impacts lithium-rich communities in South America.

Catherine (Cat) Jaffee, founder 和 audio producer, House of Pod. Jaffee will spend her fellowship developing an audio series that explores how both ecosystems 和 human bodies repair themselves, 和 how overlapping biomedical 和 bioengineered solutions apply to both. Jaffee has produced more than 1,000 podcast episodes for outlets such as PBS 和 国家地理.

Neeta Satam, independent photojournalist. Satam is an Indian photojournalist 和 国家地理 explorer whose work has appeared in 《博彩app推荐》, 《博彩平台推荐》, 华盛顿邮报 和其他地方. 作为一个伙伴, she will exp和 a long-term project that documents the impact of climate change on a community in the Himalayas, with an emphasis on gender inequity.

Leah Varjacques, visual journalist 和 纪录片 producer. Varjacques has produced 和 edited digital 和 television documentaries for 《博彩app推荐》, 大西洋副新闻, where she won an Emmy in 2021. She plans to study climate adaptation 和 human geography to produce a short 纪录片 about the impacts of Indonesia's future capital city on East Borneo's Indigenous people.