Complete these steps as soon as you've confirmed your intent to enroll. 


如果你还没有让博彩平台推荐知道你将参加博彩平台推荐并支付200美元的入学押金,你可以在你的 申请状态页面. 如果学校没有收到押金,学生将不被允许注册. Confirmation deposits are only refunded to students upon graduation or official withdrawal from CU Boulder within established dates and procedures; the deposit is non-refundable if you decide to not enroll/register.


If you receive an offer of admission and confirm your intent to enroll, you will be required to submit your official transcript(s) to Graduate 招生. 正式成绩单必须与随申请一起提交的非正式成绩单相匹配. 只要成绩单是直接从发证机构发出的,就可以接受电子成绩单. Electronic transcripts should be sent to gradprocessing@科罗拉多州.edu 除教师领导硕士学生外,他们应提交给 transcripts@科罗拉多州.edu. 用未密封信封邮寄并由申请人直接发送的成绩单副本不属于正式成绩单. Please do not have these sent until a 最后 官方成绩单可提供-包括所有分级课程和毕业日期的学位.

More on Submitting Official Transcripts


If you have not done so already, activate your IdentiKey. It is important that you set your IdentiKey password and remember it. It is your key to apply for housing, sign up for New Student & Family Programs and register for classes. A U.S. Social Security Number is required to activate an IdentiKey. 如果你没有的话, 信息技术办公室(OIT)将通过电子邮件向您发送一个四位数的个人识别号码(PIN)以供您使用. 如果您在确认注册意向后的五个工作日内没有收到您的PIN码, 联络石油资讯科技署: help@科罗拉多州.edu 索取你的密码. Your IdentiKey will also allow you to log in to the 浅黄色门户, 这是你作为学生需要的在线服务和信息的安全入口吗. 通常需要三到五个工作日才能完成IdentiKey激活,然后才能博彩平台推荐住房申请.



电子邮件是校园沟通的官方手段,校园部门和教师会用它来传递重要信息给你. Moving forward, all emails will be sent to your Colorado.edu帐户. You must activate your IdentiKey before you can create your email account.



研究生入学注册开始于4月下旬(秋季入学)或11月下旬(春季入学)。. If you have confirmed your intent to enroll after April or November, you will need to wait 2-3 days before your confirmation deposit is fully processed, after which your access to 浅黄色门户 is activated for registration.

一旦你获得了你的身份识别密钥和密码,你已经审查的信息 如何注册课程,去浅黄色门户 班级注册指南卡 (系统可能会提示您登录). 从卡顶部的“选择学期”下拉菜单中选择即将到来的学期,查看您的入学开始时间(山地时间). 一旦你确定了注册日期和时间,你就可以开始搜索课程了. 


Fulfill the Health Insurance Requirement

All students are required to have health insurance while attending CU Boulder. Students may elect coverage through an individual health insurance plan, 通过家庭成员或雇主或中大学生黄金健康保险计划(SHIP). 学生必须在博彩平台推荐的第一学期和每个学年开始时满足这一要求. 修读六(6)个或以上本科学分或一(1)个或以上研究生学分的学生需要完成健康保险要求流程. More information on student health insurance.


所有新生必须在第一学期截止日期前完成免疫要求. More information on the immunization requirement

配偶 & 相关的报道

此时,博彩平台推荐的学生健康保险不包括配偶和家属. 瓦尔登堡健康服务指的是所有学生寻找配偶和受抚养人的保险覆盖到科罗拉多州健康交易所. 从那里,您可以浏览计划并找到科罗拉多州健康保险的资源.

Submit a Photo for Your Buff OneCard

你的Buff OneCard是你的学生证,也是你参加许多不同服务和活动的钥匙, 包括餐厅, 印刷, 银行. Plan ahead and submit an application and valid photo online, and when you arrive on campus you can quickly pick up your card and get moving, 而不是排队等候. 参观 Buff OneCard网站 for deadlines, applications and instructions.

Additional Pre-Arrival Steps for International Students

重要提示:如果您是F-1或J-1学生,请注意您的课程开始日期.  所有F-1/J-1学生必须在I-20/DS-2019上显示的课程开始日期之前到达.  注意:您可以进入美国.S. 在此日期前30天.

Read the CU Boulder 研究生权利法案 & 责任.

Know your rights and your responsibilities. Familiarize yourself with the CU Boulder 研究生权利法案 & 责任

Log-on to 浅黄色门户 to Pay Bill, Check Financial Aid Status & 查看日程安排

浅黄色门户 会提供你的课程安排,教室位置,经济援助状况和你的账单吗. While your tuition bill will be due around the time that courses start, 请注意,研究或教学预约的第一笔付款通常要到学期开始一个月后才能获得.


CU Boulder offers limited on-campus housing to graduate students and their families, as well as services to help you find off-campus housing in the area. 当地的租赁市场可能是一个挑战,所以今天就开始寻找住房选择.



科罗拉多大学巨石 儿童中心 offers childcare options for children of CU affiliates 2.5 - 5岁. 除了, 同时也是员工的研究生也可以享受Bright Horizons Care Advantage, 其中包括在某些托儿中心优先注册和免费的Sittercity会员资格. Childcare services in Boulder have long wait lists; it’s a good idea to arrange for childcare now.


Ask Your Department Important Questions


  • 谁是我的导师??
  • 我可以换顾问吗??
  • 为了按时完成学位,我需要了解哪些连续的课程要求吗?
  • What semesters are required courses offered?
  • Does my department offer 教学, research, or grading opportunities for students?
  • How can I become eligible for these positions?
  • Are there any upcoming department events or activities?
  • 我怎么知道他们?
  • When is my department's graduate student orientation?


  • Does my department maintain an email list server for students?
  • Do I have an office or a department mailbox?
  • 他们在哪里??
  • Do I have department copy privileges?
  • Where is the nearest location to make copies?
  • Does the department offer independent study courses?
  • How do I set up an independent study course?
  • Where can I find the department graduate student handbook?
  • Who are the graduate students I could contact for advice on coursework, 教学, 或者项目要求?
  • Are there any department clubs, internships, or professional societies?
  • Are there any exchange or summer programs that support my degree?
  • What academic centers/programs are going to be the most useful to me?
  • Does the department support travel expenses for conferences or research?
  • What are some common certificate programs for students in this department?
  • What opportunities does the department offer in the summer?
  • Am I allowed to switch disciplines?
  • Is there a foreign language requirement? 如果有,我如何满足它?
  • Who do I contact in the department about payroll?

Attend Community Equity Training

To educate our community and create a welcoming and safe campus environment, the 博彩平台推荐 requires all new students, staff and faculty to complete education on policies prohibiting Sexual Misconduct, 歧视和骚扰. 机构公平与合规办公室(OIEC)提供有关这些政策的教育. 的 online training can be accessed through OIEC的网站. Click on the “Mandatory Training for Graduate Students” tab.

Establish Colorado Residency for In-State Tuition

If you do not already qualify for in-state tuition, you can become eligible after one full year of living in Colorado. 要获得州内学费的资格,您必须填写州内学费分类请愿书. 的 petition requires proof of residence in Colorado for the entire year, 比如签订的租约, as well as documentation that you have registered to vote, obtained a Colorado driver’s license, registered your vehicle and filed Colorado state income taxes. For more information on the process,请博彩平台推荐 the 司法常务官办公室. For general information on vehicle registration, obtaining a driver's licence, etc.,请博彩平台推荐 www.科罗拉多州.政府. 去博尔德市的车管所领取科罗拉多驾照,登记你的车辆并登记投票!

虹膜大道2850号., #F
Boulder, CO 80301 (Northeast end of 28th and Diagonal Plaza)

参加教学中心 & 秋季强化学习

教学中心 & Learning (CTL) supports the development of graduate students as 教学 scholars.CTL赞助了一系列项目,使教育工作者能够对教学和学习进行持续的调查. 这些项目将来自整个校园的教育工作者聚集在一起,以促进思想和实践的交流. 参观 教学中心 & 学习的网站 to learn more about CTL programming