
The (Digital) Humanity of Portuguese Characters in Brazilian Literature

成员: 塔尼亚Martuscelli, Associate Professor, 西班牙语 and Portuguese Department; 卡洛斯B. Martins-Filho经济学教授;  Nickoal Eichmann-Kalawara Assistant Professor and Digital Scholarship Librarian, University Libraries; Pedro Sebastian Cuevas Collante, 研究生, 西班牙语 and Portuguese Department; Nivea Soto-Lightbourn, Continuing Education; Kassandra McLean, 研究生, 经济学.

The research cluster "The (Digital) Humanity of Portuguese Characters in Brazilian Literature" focuses on transatlantic studies, 文化研究, and hybridity under the lenses of Literature and 经济学. The research based on Portuguese characters in Brazilian Literature will shed new light into Brazilian society of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that combines culture and politics (that is, 经济外交). LASC cluster will help further expand the work of the research group "Portugueses de Papel" ( http://pdp.科罗拉多州.edu), and will contribute internationally to the visibility of multi纪律 Latin American studies at CU Boulder.


Indigenous Studies in the Americas, Narratives of Belonging and Land Reclamation

成员:佩内洛普·凯尔西,英语系教授;  莱拉·戈麦斯, Associate Professor, 西班牙语 and Portuguese Department, LASC director; 詹姆斯·安德鲁·考威尔, Professor, Linguistics Deparment, Director of CNAIS; 哈维尔·穆尼奥斯西班牙语和葡萄牙语系博士研究生.

In addressing Indigenous American languages in transhemispheric context, this cluster seeks to open up conversations across disciplines and regions of the Americas. Failure to cross the North/South boundary constitutes a long-standing geographic blind spot in the field of indigenous studies, one that this cluster hopes to encourage scholars to traverse meaningfully. The goal is to bring together theoretical frameworks and case studies that can fruitfully be compared across regions in order to find commonalities and specificities that

shed light on hemispheric Indigenous Studies -in North, Central, and South America- today. This cluster is devoted to studying narratives of creation and origin as they are told and transmitted in Indigenous languages and conflictive settings of the Americas. Following Anibal Quijano's critique of the coloniality of power as the system that imposed the devaluing of certain 文化 knowledge, 包括印第安人, 强制执行西方种族歧视, 文化, 男性优越感, this cluster seeks to investigate indigenous narratives of the hemisphere that depict visions of territorial origin that claim territory as their own. Symbolic territory and land reclamation are the focus of Indigenous activism in the Americas. This cluster seeks to explore the Native narratives that give foundation and legitimacy to this political practice and, 同时, find the ways in which they are spread continentally, in specific contexts and beyond national histories. We are also interested in comparatively studying narratives of origin and creation of Native communities that were and are nowadays constantly displaced, and understanding the diasporic meaning of these narratives in land struggle.


Mapping Relationality in Latinidad: A CU Boulder Latinx studies research cluster

成员: 吉姆·米兰达,英语系博士研究生; 劳尔Melgoza,民族学系博士研究生; 劳拉Malaver民族研究系博士生; 赫克托耳拉米雷斯, Assistant Director, CU Boulder Upward Bound, Office of Pre-College Outreach & 订婚.

This inter纪律 research cluster brings together those interested in discussing matters and sharing research on the relationality of Latinidad. We take the amorphous parameters of Latinidadas an opportunity to engage relational forms of difference: how categories such as race, 性别, 性, class, and citizenship are not discrete forms of difference, but overlapping and constitutive social formations. We are invested in understanding how power and difference give shape to, 都是由, the social relations that exist across and within Latinidad. We thus take relationality as a generative concept for considering transnational forms of entanglement, and studying processes and practices related to community and identity formation.

This research cluster seeks to provide a communal and intellectual space where the diversity of Latinidad can be animated for research projects, 教学目标, and the maintenance of an active and enriching dialogue on campus on matters relevant to communities of Latin American origins in the United States. 作为一种激活关系实践的手段, 本小组欢迎所有感兴趣的各方, 包括教师, 工作人员, 校友, 毕业生, 本科生和更广泛的博尔德社区, to participate in the cultivation of connections and mentorships that cross institutional, 纪律, 以及其他正式和非正式的界限.

The research cluster convenes monthly throughout the academic year. 围绕一个特定主题构建的, the monthly meetings are intended to explore the role of relationality in conducting responsive and ethical research and foster interdepartmental dialogue and community building across the university. Each meeting will thus be grounded in a key concept, 建议阅读资料, and writing submissions by members relevant to the theme. Participants are encouraged although not required to review the 建议阅读资料 and writing submissions.