请注意: 博彩平台推荐所有的现场培训都需要提前两周通知.

所有驾驶大学车辆的司机必须事先获得授权. 在处理大学事务前驾驶车辆, 您必须首先提供以下证据并证明和维护:

  1. Be a current CU employee or affiliate (entered into HCM 和 have an employee ID - as an employee or a POI)
  2. Possess 和 maintain a valid 和 appropriate state drivers license (foreign licenses are not permitted for CMV 和 CDL vehicles).
  3. Have no more than two moving violations 和/or accidents in the past year on your motor vehicle record (MVR).
  4. 拥有并保持良好的驾驶纪录. CU 运输服务 is authorized to review authorized drivers records annually or as needed for safety 和 compliance reasons.
  5. 完成 经中大认可的防撞驾驶训练课程 (DDC). 提供在线培训. 登录Percipio并搜索“CU:防御性驾驶”." Defensive Driver Training is valid for four years 和 must be repeated thereafter.
  6. 完成 CU:机动越野车辆 (高尔夫球车安全训练),如适用. 提供在线培训. 登录Percipio,搜索“CU:机动越野车辆”."
  7. 完成 CU:驾驶15座货车的安全技巧,如适用. 提供在线培训. Log into Percipio 和 search "CU:驾驶15座货车的安全技巧." A h和s-on training is also required following the successful completion of online training.
  8. 必须年满18岁. 18岁以下的司机不得在学校公务上开车.
  9. A Departmental Authorization Form for University Operators with driver's information must be submitted by the department 和 signed by the department head a minimum of two weeks before the scheduled driving event.
    1. Ask each driver to download 和 save their DDC certificate after taking the online course, 因为您需要为每个授权驱动程序提供一份副本.
    2. The employee ID for each driver is required when submitting the form (get this information from your HR manager or out of the HCM system).
    3. This form authorizes CU 运输服务 to obtain MVR record checks for the obligation of maintaining a safe driving record.


As a supervisor you are responsible for providing a safe environment for all employees, ensuring the safe 和 compliant operation of the fleet vehicles 和 exploring any reasonable suspicion of unsafe activities.  Fulfilling these responsibilities means that you are required to take action when necessary.


Vehicle idling guidelines apply to all university owned or leased motor vehicles 和 equipment. 它们也延伸到大学承包商, 分包商, 还有和学校做生意的供应商. 汽油和柴油车辆和设备的空转浪费燃料, 造成空气污染和温室气体排放, 并导致发动机过早磨损. It is every university employee's responsibility to minimize fleet operating costs while reducing harmful effects to the environment.


Drivers will need to do systematic pre 和 post-trip inspections on vehicles. 


You have the responsibility as a professional with regards to prescription medications, 维生素和草药疗法. If supervisors have reasonable suspicion that an employee may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, 可以采取以下几个步骤:

When a supervisor suspects that an employee is under the influence, they must have reasonable cause.

  1. 电子邮件的 运输署 或致电303-492-7152报名参加FMCSR合理怀疑课程.
  2. All supervisors who have direct report of regulated drivers must complete this class to evaluate or send a driver for testing.
  3. Supervisor must contact 运输服务 to obtain the proper form before driving their employee to the testing facility.
  4. 如需完成非工作时间测试,请致电877-826-4628. (这是一个移动测试供应商.)


  • 测试文件必须从运输服务处领取. 请致电303-492-7152,完成相关文件并准备领取. 在工作时间内,前往博尔德的Concentra进行测试. 他们会提供适当的文件. 要求进行FMCSR/事故后/药物和酒精测试.
  • 所有结果必须通过电子邮件发送到 运输署 立即.
  • 如果酒精BAT测试结果等于或高于 .020 the employee must not be allowed to operate a University owned vehicle until the results are reviewed by CU's 运输署. 请联系运输服务部门获取进一步指导.
  • 如果司机不立即开出罚单, 司机必须在八(8)小时内戒酒. In the event a ticket is issued afterward, the driver will have to 立即 report for testing.
  • 如需完成非工作时间测试,请致电877-826-4628. (这是一个移动测试供应商.)


  • 确定事故是否符合事故后测试流程的要求;
    • 有死亡吗?? 是的,必须进行测试.
  • 有开罚单吗 如果是,则必须进行测试.
    • The injuries sustained in the accident required the individuals to be transported for immediate medical care.
    • Any vehicle had to be towed from the immediate accident location due to the extent of the damage sustained in the accident.
  • Take the employee to Concentra Urgent Care, 3300 28th Street, Boulder, CO 80301.


Drivers who are required to comply with Part 382 may not refuse to take a DOT drug or alcohol test. Refusals are reported to the US Department of Transportation Clearinghouse by either the motor carrier or the medical review officer (MRO) 和 include all of the following:

  • Failing to appear or showing up late for the test (not including pre-employment tests).
  • 拒绝提供呼气或尿液样本的.
  • Failing to stay at the testing site until the testing process is done (except in the case of a pre-employment test where the driver leaves the testing site before the testing process commences).
  • Failing to submit enough saliva or breath if a physician determines that there is no medical explanation for a driver's failure to provide enough breath or urine.
  • 不配合测试过程的任何部分.
  • Failing to allow observation or monitoring of a urine collection, when required.
  • Failing or declining to take an additional drug test as directed by the employer or collector.
  • 承认掺假、替代尿样的.

A refusal to test carries the same consequences as a failed drug or alcohol test: removal from safety-sensitive functions 和 completion of the SAP evaluation 和 return-to-duty process 和 follow-up testing.  可能会有纪律处分,包括解雇.