Please note: all of our in-person trainings require a two-week advance notice to schedule.

All drivers must be pre-authorized in order to operate University vehicles. Before operating a vehicle on University business, you must first provide evidence of and certify and maintain the following:

  1. 当前为CU员工或附属公司(进入HCM并拥有员工ID -作为员工或POI)
  2. 持有并保持有效和适当的国家驾驶执照(CMV和CDL车辆不允许持有外国驾驶执照).
  3. 在过去一年内,你的机动车辆纪录不多于两次违反交通条例及/或意外.
  4. Have and maintain a good driving record. CU运输服务被授权每年或根据安全和合规原因审查授权司机的记录.
  5. Complete the CU approved Defensive Driver Training Course (DDC). Online training is available. Log into Percipio and search "CU: Defensive Driving.“防身驾驶训练的有效期为四年,此后必须重复进行.
  6. Complete the CU: Motorized Off-road Vehicles (Golf Cart Safety training), if applicable. Online training is available. Log into Percipio and search "CU: Motorized Off-road Vehicles."
  7. Complete the CU: Safety Techniques for Driving a 15-Passenger Van, if applicable. Online training is available. 登录Percipio,搜索“CU:驾驶15人面包车的安全技术”.“成功完成在线培训后,还需要进行实践培训.
  8. Must be 18 or older. Drivers under 18 may not drive on university business.
  9. 须于指定驾驶活动开始前最少两星期,由本系提交并由系主任签署的《博彩app推荐》及司机资料.
    1. 在线课程结束后,请每位司机下载并保存DDC证书, as you will need a copy of one for each authorized driver.
    2. 提交表格时需要每个司机的员工ID(从您的人力资源经理或HCM系统中获取此信息).
    3. 此表格授权CU运输服务获得MVR记录检查,以保持安全驾驶记录的义务.

Information for Supervisors and Employees

作为主管,你有责任为所有员工提供一个安全的环境, 确保车队车辆的安全和合规运作,并调查任何合理怀疑的不安全活动.  履行这些职责意味着你需要在必要时采取行动.

Vehicle Idling Guidelines

车辆怠速指南适用于所有大学拥有或租赁的机动车辆和设备. They also extend to university contractors, subcontractors, and vendors doing business with the university. The idling of gasoline and diesel vehicles and equipment wastes fuel, contributes to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, and causes premature engine wear. 最小化车队的运营成本,同时减少对环境的有害影响,是每个大学员工的责任.



Reasonable Suspicion - CDL only

作为专业人员,你有责任对处方药负责, vitamins and herbal remedies. 如果主管有理由怀疑员工可能受到药物或酒精的影响, there are certain steps to take:


  1. Email the Transportation Services Department or call 303-492-7152 to sign-up for a FMCSR Reasonable Suspicion class.
  2. 所有直接负责监管司机的主管必须完成这门课程,以评估或送司机去测试.
  3. 主管在开车送员工去测试场所之前,必须与交通服务部门联系以获取适当的表格.
  4. To complete after hours testing, call 877-826-4628. (This is a mobile testing vendor.)

Post-Accident Testing

  • Testing paperwork must be picked up from Transportation Services. Call 303-492-7152 and the paperwork will be completed and ready for pick-up. During business hours, proceed to Concentra in Boulder for testing. They will provide proper paperwork. Ask for a FMCSR/Post Accident/Drug and Alcohol test.
  • All results must be emailed to the Transportation Services Department immediately.
  • If the alcohol BAT test results are at or above .在大学交通服务部门审查结果之前,不得允许员工驾驶大学拥有的车辆. Contact Transportation Services for further guidance.
  • If the driver is not immediately issued a ticket, the driver must abstain from alcohol for eight (8) hours. 如果随后被开出罚单,司机必须立即报告进行测试.
  • To complete after hours testing, call 877-826-4628. (This is a mobile testing vendor.)

Proper Procedure

  • Determine if the accident qualifies for the Post Accident testing process:
    • Was there a fatality? Yes, the test must be administered.
  • Was there a ticket issued and any of the following: If yes, the test must be administered.
    • 事故中受伤的人需要立即被送往医院治疗.
    • 由于在事故中遭受的损害程度,任何车辆都必须从事故现场拖走.
  • 把这名员工送到科罗拉多州博尔德市第28街3300号康concentra急救中心,邮编80301.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

被要求遵守第382部分规定的司机不得拒绝接受DOT药物或酒精测试. 拒绝由汽车承运人或医疗审查官(MRO)向美国运输部信息交换中心报告,并包括以下所有内容:

  • 未出席或迟到考试(不包括入职前考试).
  • Refusing to provide a breath or urine specimen.
  • 在测试过程结束前未能留在测试地点(除非是在就业前测试中,驾驶者在测试过程开始前离开测试地点).
  • 没有提供足够的唾液或呼吸,如果医生认为没有医学上的解释来解释司机没有提供足够的呼吸或尿液.
  • Failing to cooperate with any part of the testing process.
  • 在需要时不允许观察或监测尿液收集.
  • 未能或拒绝接受雇主或收药员指示的额外药检.
  • Admitting to adulterating or substituting the urine specimen.

拒绝测试的后果与未通过药物或酒精测试的后果相同:取消对安全敏感的职能,完成SAP评估和重返工作岗位的程序以及后续测试.  There may be disciplinary action up to and including termination.