By 发表: 8月. 13, 2024

在一本新出版的博彩app推荐该地区女性君主的历史中, 博彩平台推荐的学者展示了爱情之间的联系, 悲伤和疯狂

就像当时许多欧洲皇室一样, 中世纪西班牙和葡萄牙的女王经常为了政治而结婚, 但很少是为了爱.

而不是, their marriages generally embodied the political intrigue facilitated by personal relationships in hereditary monarchical power structures. 在基督教和穆斯林王国之间的宗教冲突时期, as well as cultural and philosophical developments spurred by the rediscovery of Aristotle, 他们的婚姻更多的是政治上的操纵,而不是痴情.


Nuria Silleras-Fernandez

Nuria Silleras-Fernandez

In a newly published exploration of emotion and political power in the medieval Iberian Peninsula, 它主要由西班牙半岛和葡萄牙大陆组成, 博彩平台推荐学者 Nuria Silleras-Fernandez他是 西班牙语和葡萄牙语, analyzes a time and place and the royal women who navigated the treacherous territory between heart and state.

在她的书中 情感政治:中世纪和近代早期伊比利亚的爱、悲伤和疯狂, Silleras-Fernández focuses broadly on these powerful emotions through the individual stories of three queens, 她们的故事在某种程度上预示了女性从政至今仍面临的问题.

这让读者有些困惑, 有几个叫伊莎贝尔, so Silleras-Fernández gives each woman a brief distinguishing title: 葡萄牙的伊莎贝尔 (1428–96), who was the grandmother of 阿拉贡的伊莎贝尔 (1470–98) and Juana of Castile (1479–1555).

对这三个女人的比较研究, 历史学家之前并没有把他们放在一起, is informative not only because their lives tell us about the politics and culture of their society, 而是因为——尽管面临着类似的悲剧——胡安娜, 阿拉贡的伊莎贝尔, 和葡萄牙的伊莎贝尔的人生走向截然不同.


根据Silleras-Fernández, these three women “suffered from very intense grief following the death of their spouses.他们的悲伤最终被认为是过度的, 部分原因在于诗中所表达的对爱情的文化态度 Florencia del Pinar的《博彩app推荐》Silleras-Fernández说. 她把爱描述为 联合国gusano 一条虫子.

“在中世纪,热烈的爱情被视为一种痛苦. 当一个人真正坠入爱河时,它被视为危险的.”

This is not to say that love had no place in court culture; in fact, 根据Silleras-Fernández引用的一位历史学家的说法, 西班牙贵族们假装恋爱是一种时尚.


In 情感政治:中世纪和近代早期伊比利亚的爱、悲伤和疯狂, 博彩平台推荐学者Nuria Silleras-Fernandez指出,在中世纪, 热烈的爱情被视为一种痛苦.

尽管如此, 真实的, 热烈的爱情被视为一种个人痛苦, 精神上的危险和政治上的脆弱. “热烈的爱情甚至被医疗化了,Silleras-Fernández说, 在某种程度上, 它“被视为一种与忧郁有关的痛苦,单恋引起相思.

当谈到西班牙中世纪的基督教文化, 她解释说, “有一种东西叫做爱的宗教. 对男人来说, 他们的夫人不仅仅是他们欲望的对象, as in courtly love; she became more important to them than God.” This was understood as a form of idolatry and therefore a violation of the second of the 10 commandments from the Bible.

此外Silleras-Fernández说, “王室婚姻是出于政治目的而安排的, 所以女人不爱自己的丈夫是很常见的. The idea was that the couple would enjoy some sort of affection and collaborate in ruling the kingdom and producing heirs.”

在某种程度上,它妨碍了再婚, 爱情甚至成为皇室政治操纵的障碍. 最终, 然后, 热烈的爱情”被认为是危险的, 王室成员也不鼓励这样做.”


葡萄牙的伊莎贝尔, who was born in 葡萄牙 but became Queen Consort of Castile and León through her marriage to King Juan II (as opposed to becoming a queen regnant in her own right by inheriting the throne), 例证了“爱得太多”的危险.”

根据Silleras-Fernández, 她的生活编年史表明她对丈夫有着异乎寻常的强烈的爱. The conflict between her and Álvaro de Luna, the royal favorite and Constable, is an example of this.

伊莎贝尔和Álvaro都对胡安产生了重大影响Silleras-Fernández说: “Álvaro de Luna’s role as adviser put him in clear competition with the functions of the queen.伊莎贝尔和她在贵族中的派系以及胡安的随从最终胜出, 她说服国王处决了Álvaro.

这种情况虽然带有明显的政治色彩,但乍一看似乎与爱情无关. 然而, 根据Silleras-Fernández, Álvaro从监狱里给胡安的顾问写了一封信, 让他们阻止国王过性生活, 认为这会损害他的健康. This suggests the intimate nature of Álvaro’s interference with the king and queen’s relationship and demonstrates the importance of love to a queen consort’s political power.

也许更能说明问题, Isabel “felt such great pain at the death of her husband that she fell into a sickness so grave and long that she was never able to recover,Silleras-Fernández写道, 她的余生没有受到太多政治影响.


阿拉贡的伊莎贝尔, 葡萄牙伊莎贝尔的孙子之一, 在她的第一任丈夫去世后,她也遭受了巨大的痛苦. 她通过嫁给王储阿方索成为葡萄牙公主, 这段婚姻, 大家都说, 快乐, Silleras-Fernández说得很简短.



不幸的是, 阿方索英年早逝, which caused national grief and inspired a series of consolatory texts by noted clergymen. 阿拉贡的伊莎贝尔 was “presented with works explaining that his death should be seen as an opportunity for her to become a better Christian, 她需要记住爱上帝胜过爱任何人,Silleras-Fernández解释道.

比如她的公公, 若昂二世, Isabel received letters from important clergymen blaming the bereaved for the death of their loved ones, Silleras-Fernandez解释说. jo甚至被指责爱他的儿子胜过爱上帝, 并告知他儿子的死是对他罪行的一种惩罚.

尽管伊莎贝尔还在哀悼, 她是一位公主,因此是天主教君主的政治财富, 尤其是因为她可以为他们争取到婚姻联盟. 是否因为她不想再婚, or because the religious messages in the consolatory letters had heightened her Catholic convictions, 她要求, 作为她计划与曼努埃尔一世第二次婚姻的条件, 所有的“异教徒”都被驱逐出他的王国, 葡萄牙.

这里“异教徒”的确切含义并不清楚, 但根据Silleras-Fernández, 这可能意味着她想要驱逐犹太人, 穆斯林, and all the recent converts from Judaism to Christianity who had been prosecuted by the Inquisition.”

不管伊莎贝尔的动机是什么,很明显,悲伤起了作用. 因此Silleras-Fernández说, grief and other emotions can have serious consequences when they interact with politics and religion, 哪些在中世纪和近代早期密切相关.


“Most people knew about Juana,Silleras-Fernández说, “because she is famous as 疯狂的胡安娜.“就像阿拉贡的伊莎贝尔, 她是天主教徒伊莎贝尔的女儿, 她是神圣罗马帝国皇帝查理五世的母亲. 比如葡萄牙的伊莎贝尔, 她的祖母, 胡安娜最终与她曾经拥有的政治权力疏远了, Silleras-Fernandez解释说, 余生都要被关起来.

“The difference between 她的祖母 and Juana’s eldest sister Isabel was that both of them were queen consorts, 而胡安娜则是她自己的女王, 她需要统治.”

Perhaps the most extraordinary story of Juana’s grief—also incited by the unexpected death of her husband—was her insistence on personally accompanying the king’s remains to Granada, 400多英里的旅程, 当时她正处于妊娠晚期. 这趟旅行就像永远的送葬队伍, 花了两年多的时间,每一站都有宗教仪式.

据报道,胡安娜在途中生病了, 开始不换衣服了, 以及在地板上吃饭和睡觉. 在这之后, 她的父亲, 王费尔南多, 把她送到了托德西利亚斯的一座宫殿,在那里她被囚禁了一生.



当她终于从丈夫的葬礼上回来的时候, 她的情绪和精神都很糟糕, 但是她的情况好转了. “如果你读过和她住在一起的人写给她儿子的信, 查理五世, 很明显,她感觉好多了.

“问题是, 当你把某人赶走,因为你认为那个人不能统治, 你不可能轻易地让那个人重新成为一个可行的统治者,Silleras-Fernández继续说道. “Neither 她的父亲 nor her son was interested in rehabilitating Juana because they were already doing Juana’s job.” They had taken over out of necessity while Juana was gone and did not want to give up power. 为了她的家族继续统治,她必须被关起来.

根据Silleras-Fernández, what makes her situation different from those of 葡萄牙的伊莎贝尔 and Isabel the Catholic is that the Isabels had more freedom as queen consorts. 因为他们不是正式的统治者, 他们没有被视为对现状的威胁, 而是“因为胡安娜有可能亲自掌管这个王国。, 她很危险.”


这三位伊比利亚女王体现了一个教训, 作为统治者, “一个人需要被认为可以控制自己的情绪, 因为它们是臣民的一面镜子,Silleras-Fernández说. “统治者需要掌控一切, and the ruler needed to demonstrate balance and stability—what Aristotle called the golden mean.”

女性以这种方式展示自己尤其困难,因为, 她说, 就像亚里士多德所说的那样, 女性被视为不完美的男性. It was harder for them because they were asked to perform like men but were not valued like men.  同时, 当然, 妇女必须遵守当时博彩app推荐性别的标准和先入为主的观念. It’s a little bit like the old saying that Ginger Rogers had to dance as well as Fred Astaire, 但在她的情况下, 倒着穿高跟鞋.

在很多方面, 这是一个与今天的现实相去甚远的时期, but you would be amazed how much of the dynamics and prejudices surrounding gender and emotion are similar and how— despite the fact that we live in an age of science—medicine and health are still socially and culturally constructed. 考虑到最近发生的事情,我希望如此, we will see all of these dynamics at play today in the USA over the course of the next four months.”

上图: 胡安娜·洛卡 by 弗朗西斯科·普拉迪亚·奥尔蒂斯(1877)

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